Bitter Weather Adds To Miseries Of Battle Snow and frigid winds add to the discomforts of patrol actions along the fluid front in Korea. With red hordes poised for another all-out attack, Americans and their UN. Allies dig in during a blizzard. After days on end in sub-zero temperature, UN troops adopt desperate measures for a little warmth. Hot coffee is a rare luxury. Cold everlasting bone chilling cold as the troops stabilize their position in the Korean hills just below the 38th Parallel. American and other UN soldiers walking down a Korean road. MLS US Army tents covered with snow and soldiers chopping wood. MLS Two army men throwing some gasoline on a fire a desperate measure to get a little warmth. CU Soldier drinking hot coffee, more soldiers standing around a camp fire. MLS Plane dropping army supplies, soldiers running out to gather up the supplies. MLS A scenic view of the snow covered hills of Korea and US soldiers try stabilizing their positions just below the 38th parallel in the Korean hills. MLS Throngs of refugees trying to escape the war that engulf their land.