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Welcome To The WPA Film Library
A leading source of stock footage, the WPA Film Library is proud to offer one of the largest and most diverse libraries in the industry.

We offer a comprehensive online experience that allows clients to search, preview, and hand-pick clips directly from our website. We're also a full service archive with a knowledgeable and professional staff, dedicated to helping you find the perfect shot for your production.

Our customers are active in all areas of the media community and include major motion picture studios, advertising agencies, television networks, as well as corporate, multimedia and educational producers.

About Us
SOUL! Music and Interviews

Our SOUL! collection features music, interviews, and cultural discussions that address African American culture and identity in America during the 1960s and 70s.

Music Of The 1960s

Rock, Pop, and Country music from the 1960s.


Palestine from the 1940's to early 2000's.

Civil Rights

Events related to the 1960s African American Civil Rights struggle

MLK Speeches

Speeches given by Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

1960s Race Riots

Racially charged riots of the 1960s

MLK Assassination

Events surrounding the Assassination and Death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

John F. Kennedy Speeches

Famous and noteworthy speeches made by the late President John F Kennedy.

Lyndon B. Johnson

The life and Presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson, the 36th president of the United States.

How It Works
Create an account

We have a super simple signup process!

Search database

Browse one of the largest and most diverse libraries in the industry.


Send us any comments and/or concerns you may have.


If you have any specific questions regarding your project.

Demo Reels
Nature & Environment
Stock Footage