Reds Routed By UN Drive On All Fronts After the brilliant landing operation at inchon and the attack on seoul, korea's historic capital, U.N. Forces take the initiative on all fronts and forge a ring of steel around red koreans. Everywhere on the allied beach head the reds are on the retreat as the U.N. Pincers close. LS The American army are gathered together on a beach front, MS American GI's walking with their riffles on their backs. MLS American GI's all board a duct and it gives me the impression they're guarding the beach head. CU of a war correspondent talking about the rainy weather they're having because it's very muddy, an army jeep drives by and half the back end sinks into the mud. MS of American soldiers in the foot hills of Korea. MLS American soldiers fighting in ditches. MCU of American GI bringing a prisoner of war into the camp. MS another American GI bringing in two POW's back into the camp. MCU Korean prisoners behind fenced in area sitting and receiving food.