Master 1480 - Tape 2 Biography of inventor Thomas Alva Edison.
Thomas Edison and auto tycoon Henry Ford filming Fred Hart outside Menlo Park, NJ home. Edison cranking film camera while Henry Ford directs. Thomas Edison and Henry Ford posing outside building. Edison (wearing bowler hat) smiling, laughing puckishly.
Thomas Edison talking with naturalist John Burroughs at camp. Edison walking with John Burroughs, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone. Edison and friends seated at large lazy susan at camp. Ford and Burroughs engaged in tree chopping contest while Edison and Firestone watch. Edison and Burroughs shaking hands. Ford building fire. Panning campgrounds and tents. Ford cranking Ford Model T. Edison taking a nap in the grass. Edison swinging in hammock.
Thomas Edison and entourage walking from Menlo Park, New Jersey, home. Thomas Edison at press conference for pursuit of natural domestic rubber. Edison, "Shall I go ahead now? Alright. I have been recently asked by the newspapers for some definite news in regard to the results of my experiments and investigations for obtaining rubber from American-grown plants. So far I ve been quite with the outcome of my work. I would like to correct the impression that I'm working on synthetic rubber by stating that it is real rubber I aim to produce, not only for emergencies where we might have war." Edison talking with newsreel cameramen and photographers outside home.
Thomas Edison and Mina Miller Edison being received by outdoor crowd. Mina Miller Edison speaking to crowd on behalf of her Thomas Edison, "We appreciate everything you have done and are doing for us."
Golden Jubilee of Electric Light in Dearborn, Michigan, 1929. Auto tycoon Henry Ford wearing fedora hat. Henry Ford talking with Thomas Alva Edison. Crowd gathered large portraits of Thomas Edison and President Herbert Hoover over the stand. Edison, Ford and respective wives standing on train caboose. Antique steam engine locomotive, American flags flying from engine car, moving slowly past crowd on rainy afternoon. Panning Edison and US President Herbert Hoover alighting train to fanfare. Edison standing before podium laden with microphones, reciting "Mary Had A Little Lamb". Traveling shot of Thomas Edison and President Hoover riding through streets of Detroit in open convertible. Crowd bearing rainy weather, many open umbrellas and raincoats. Police motorcycle escort in motorcade.
Thomas Edison and wife Mina Miller Edison talking with reporters in Florida Edison says "Goodbye. Goodbye." Thomas Edison and Mina Edison waving to crowd from caboose. Last shot also features industrialist Harvey Firestone.
Wheel of steam engine locomotive slowing to stop, steam drifting into frame. Side view wheels of train passing camera. High angle railroad tracks passing (subjective POV).
Tall Manhattan buildings (skyscrapers) all aglow, night; generic urban metropolis.
DO NOT USE Closing remarks, credits.