A biography of the life and times of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Part 2
December 5, 1938. Address at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. President Franklin D Roosevelt see me for the first time have read your newspapers and heard on the air that I was, at the very least, an ogre a consorter with Communists, a destroyer of the rich, a breaker of our ancient traditions. and that I breakfasted every morning on a dish of "grilled millionaire." (Laughter) Actually I am an exceedingly mild mannered person a practitioner of peace, both domestic and foreign, a believer in the capitalistic system, and for my breakfast a devotee of scrambled eggs . (Laughter)
President Franklin D Roosevelt takes off glasses.
DO NOT USE Opening credits. Introductory comments.
President Franklin D Roosevelt sitting on a couch in a living room of Hyde Park, NY, home, playing with his small black Scottie dog, Fala.
President Franklin D Roosevelt sitting in an open convertible, talking to reporters.
President Franklin D Roosevelt sitting on patio, talking with Vice-President Henry Wallace and unidentified man.
July 1940. The Democratic Convention in Chicago, IL. Sign hanging from rafters, "Welcome Democrats." High angle crowd, banners, placards. Senator (and eventual Vice-President) Alben Barkley speaking to delegates The President has never had, and has not today, a desire or purpose to continue in the office of President, to be a candidate for that office, to be nominated by the convention for that office. He wishes in all earnestness and sincerity to make it clear that that all of the delegates to this convention are free to vote for any candidate. Delegates jubilantly chanting, "We want Roosevelt! Crowd waving American flags, holding placards and portraits of FDR. Multi-horned speakers.
President Franklin D Roosevelt speaking at outdoor event.
Rear angle of a seaplane landing on a lake. British ambassador deplaning, arriving at White House.
President Franklin D Roosevelt in Oval Office, signing bills and meeting with reporters.