Early IBM Computer Systems - 700 Series - IBM 702 Data Processing System
GV computer room with young man in suit seated behind the IBM 702 Central Processing Unit operator's console (housed in yellow), pushing buttons, woman walks into scene carrying magnetic tape reel, she places near the IB M 727 Magnetic Tape Unit, then she walks to man behind the consol & hands him a clipboard with papers.
GV computer room with young man in suit seated behind the IBM 702 Central Processing Unit operator's console (housed in yellow), pushing buttons, woman walks into scene carrying magnetic tape reel, she places near the IB M 727 Magnetic Tape Unit, then she walks to man behind the consol & hands him a clipboard with papers.
Great MS young man in suit seated behind the IBM 702 Central Processing Unit operator's console (housed in yellow) looking over paper on clipboard, second man walks into frame & hands him some more papers, with this the man behind the consol begins punching buttons to enter data, printer begins to move then the magnetic tape in BG begins to spin.
Great MS young man in suit seated behind the IBM 702 Central Processing Unit operator's console punching buttons, young woman walks by & hand him a clipboard, man continues entering data, printer begins to move, magnetic tape in BG begins to spin.