Panning high angle LSs Republic of Korea (RoK, South Korea) Army soldiers marching through snowy farming valley, passing village huts. H/a LS smoke rising from valley. TLS Communist prisoners of war (POWs) including Red Chinese and Korean People's Army (KPA) soldiers, being marched outside building by South Korean captors -- note that all wear padded pants and jackets emblematic of cold, frigid winter climate; CU Chinese POW wearing padded jacket, fur-lined padded cap with ear flaps; CU North Korean nurse (POW) bowing her head; CU KPA soldier POW. LS RoK Army soldier drilling irregular army soldiers in bombed-out city, several children standing behind brick wall in FG and watching the exercise. VO: "From Korea, South Korean patrols probe enemy defenses at the Injin River north of Seoul. This was the lull before the communists struck and broke through here on their way to capture the capital. Artillery and mines could not stop the Chinese Red horde. A few prisoners are captured, members of advanced units. Among them, a Chinese soldier, a North Korean nurse, and a North Korean soldier. Just before Seoul fell, raw recruits were drilled, men drafted from the stream of refugees heading south."