
Israel-Palestine Conflict & Funerals

Israel-Palestine Conflict & Funerals
Clip: 497185_1_1
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:37:55 - 00:41:27

Various scenes from the start of the second intifada between Palestine & Israel, late 2000.

Israel-Palestine Conflict & Funerals
Clip: 497185_1_2
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:37:55 - 00:38:26

TLS large crowd of Palestinians carrying wrapped body of young man slain in conflict against Israeli police through street; MSs crowd of Arab men passing camera, several of them uniformed members of Al-Aqsa Brigade security force (formerly based in Iraq), complete with drab green fatigues, colored berets & AK-47 assault rifles. Funeral march, procession.

Israel-Palestine Conflict & Funerals
Clip: 497185_1_3
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:38:26 - 00:39:54

TLS crowd of Palestinians ducked behind concrete wall, some throwing rocks over it; sounds of gunfire exchange. MS two Palestinian security officers firing handguns over embankment. Shots of Palestinians scrambling for cover behind brick wall during live ammunition gunfight; battle-scarred street. MS three young Palestinian men carrying wounded comrade to Red Crescent ambulance. More shots men in street, ambulances abounding; one man carries M-16 rifle procured from Israeli forces, many congratulating him.

Israel-Palestine Conflict & Funerals
Clip: 497185_1_4
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:39:54 - 00:40:36

MS/TLSs crowd of Palestinian men carrying body of fallen comrade (wrapped in flag of Palestine) through street. TLS several Palestinian men, their identities masked by white scarves, firing M-16 assault rifles into air from battered roof of house; tilt down to funeral march through street, several men waving green flags with white lettering.

Israel-Palestine Conflict & Funerals
Clip: 497185_1_5
Year Shot: 2000 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1440
Original Film:
Location: Jerusalem, Israel
Timecode: 00:40:36 - 00:41:27

LS/TLS Israeli soldier firing M-16 rifle outfitted with rubber bullets from balcony of high-rise apartment building. TLSs Palestinian men on debris-strewn street, throwing rocks at police. TLS smoldering ruins of floor of building bombed by Israeli forces, several radar dishes on roof (perhaps a PLO communications office). LS tire fire spewing black smoke in debris-strewn street.