See also catalog # 523474, 523475, 523476, 523477 A superb Soviet propaganda documentary glorifying the Marxist-Leninist government of Afghanistan and the Soviet occupation there, as well as condemning the Muslim rebel movement (from both Pakistan & Afghanistan), effectively calling them paid goons and puppets of the imperialist United States. This film is especially of note in light of the events of 9/11/2001.
DO NOT USE Titles (in Russian) this Soviet-Afghan co-production is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the People s Democratic Party of Afghanistan
Wide shot Kabul, mountains in BG, cut to TLS/MSs traffic and pedestrians, some of whom wear Muslim dress. MCUs Afghan people reading Kabul newspaper. MS Afghan flag.
DO NOT USE Program Title.
MS/MCUs General Secretary of the Central Committee of the People s Democratic Party of Afghanistan and Chairman of the Revolutionary Council of Afghanistan (and Red Army puppet) Babrak Karmal walking onto stage at an anniversary meeting to mark the People s Democratic Party (aka the bloody Saur revolution of April 27, 1978); Karmal receives much fanfare from his Communist comrades, some of whom wear the tropes of Islamic fundamentalism (turban-like head wraps, robes and beards). Various shots Communist delegates from China, USSR, and elsewhere mugging for the crowd. Great crowd shots Afghani men cheering, applauding. TLS/MSs Babrak Karmal speaking to assembly. C/As crowd cheering, applauding.
CUs grandfather clock ticking, chiming, pendulum swinging. (This image occurs throughout the documentary)
B&W newsreel of crowds gathered in Afghani streets after the overthrow and death of Hafizullah Amin; much celebrating, hugging, rejoicing, etc.
Afghan peasants sowing earth, planting seeds, farming (note that some farmers carry Soviet-made automatic weapons).
Color shots peasants in allegedly same area inspecting Soviet-made tractors; town leader Gulaam Muhammad (Gulaam Mohammad or Gulaam Mohamed) stands atop a building and speaks to his self-defense unit about how great it is under the new regime.
DO NOT USE Newsreel of Afghan rebels in mountainous countryside where they ve attacked a state convoy; dead bodies on ground, in gully; they set alight a truck leaking gasoline. Cut to wide shot sun rising over valley. Cut to MSs Muslim rebel gang leader One-Leg Abdul Waheed hobbling about compound. Pan across Afghan papers, passports, etc.
State rep of CCPDP of Afghanistan in TV studio, talking to camera about the hirelings of imperialism the paid killers , the Afghan rebels waging war against the Marxist-Leninist government.
MSs Soviet-made armaments on display at camp (AK-47 rifles, rocket launchers, machine guns, etc).
State rep of CCPDP of Afghanistan in TV studio, talking to camera
CUs grandfather clock (face and swinging pendulum)
Woman teaching an adult education class in Afghanistan.
Color MSs Afghani man named Maqmoud welding in a factory.
Afghan man named Mohammad Sadek studying in class.
Color shots Mohammad Sadek in factory, talking to camera about the glories of Communist Afghanistan, followed by orchestra swell & MS Mohammad hammering steel.