The Africans: New Gods. Regards the many religions of Africa and the roles they play there. Edited unmixed program originally shot on film.
CU white candles burning; MSs of a Catholic mass marked by Africanized elements in Zimbabwe; MS young white male minister conducting mass, giving thanks for the liberation of the country from English colonialism.
Apartheid in South Africa montage: TLS of a state police truck speeding along city street, spreading tear gas; TLS armored car with troops riding in hold passing by burning truck; TLSs armored vehicles, soldiers firing automatic rifles; MS several black youth (residents of township) on roadside scattering as state police in riot gear drive by in armored vehicle, tossing tear gas grenades; the minister [in vo] asks for prayers for South African liberation. MS/CUs adults use wash basin in street to wash tear gas from eyes of crying young black boy; MS of two white South African security forces shooting shotguns on a street in a black township (one soldier warns the camera crew that they had better leave quickly).
MS of a young black man offering a reading from the scriptures in a Catholic church in Zimbabwe; the reading stresses the moral abhorrence of apartheid and equality in faith in Jesus.
Apartheid in South Africa. TLS of burning van in South African township.
MSs Caucasian Catholic Priest sermonizing in Zimbabwe church; sermon regards inequality and injustice.
TLS of military equipment paraded down South Africa street, zoom in to MS President P.W. Botha inspecting from grandstand with his hat over his heart
MSs Caucasian Catholic Priest sermonizing in Zimbabwe church; sermon regards inequality and injustice.
South Africa military parade. MS white soldier saluting from hatch of tank; TLS row of armored cars rolling down street; TLS/MSs South African soldiers goosestepping
MSs Caucasian Catholic Priest sermonizing in Zimbabwe church; sermon regards inequality and injustice.
South Africa military parade. TLS/MSs South African soldiers goosestepping. Low angle TLS seven South African military jets flying overhead, by capital building, streaks of red, white & blue exhaust spewing out; low angle TLS 12 or so black helicopters flying overhead, zoom in to old South African flag flying from pole.
MS of South Africa Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu sermonizing, saying that Christianity does not recognize inequality. MSs of Mr. Tutu greeting worshippers after church. MSs Desmond Tutu performing rite of communion in church during mass. MSs Mr. Tutu sermonizing that there will be no peace until Apartheid is abolished; C/As black parishioners listening to sermon. CU statue of the Virgin Mary holding the baby Jesus.
DO NOT USE: B&W stills of black students rioting in Soweto, white security forces shooting guns, black youths killed or injured in the repression.
MS/CUs of mass celebrated by South Africa Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu, women and men taking communion.
DO NOT USE: Oil painting of the Crucifixion.
Silhouette of gothic crosses atop church, sunset and at night. MSs of African women dancing in traditional religious context, night. VO says it is unclear what the new balance between Christianity, Islam, Secularism, Socialism, & traditional African spiritual beliefs will be.
DO NOT USE: Closing credits/funding credits/telecourse material information/PBS ID.