Biography of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy.
MS of Senator Joseph McCarthy speaking before an enthusiastic audience of no-doubt Republicans after the Army Hearings: "We're going through an unusual procedure on the Senate floor right now. It's a result of the fifth investigation of McCarthy. There will be a sixth. There will be a seventh, an eighth. As long as I continue to try to expose people who are traitors to this country. If I would quit now, why we'd end with the fifith invistigation, but take my word for it, my good friend. Regardless of what this Senate may do or censure, this fight to expose those who would destroy this nation will go on and on." MS delegates at convention holding pro-McCarthy placards. Slo-mo MCU of Joe smiling into camera.
DO NOT USE Opening titles, introduction from Mike Wallace.
MS of Sen. Joseph McCarthy sitting at a desk laden with microphones during the Army Hearings: "I am getting very, very weary of sitting here and acting as though we're playing some little game. This Committee's activities may well determine whether this nation will live or die. We've got to clean out those responsible, either knowingly or because they were simple dupes covering up Communist and traitors-- not dead ones but live ones." MS Sen. McCarthy and ROY COHN at Army hearings.
DO NOT USE Stills of Joseph McCarthy as a young boy standing outside a school building, surrounded by classmates. Still of Joe as a young man, early twenties, wearing a nice business suit. Stills of McCarthy during his college years at Marquette (includes his graduating class photo). Stills of Joe as a young lawyer. Still of the famous "I Want You" military recruiting illustration (you know, the one with a pointing Uncle Sam, circa WWI). Stills of McCarthy during his stint in the United States army (wears leather bomber aviator hat in most).
MS/CU of McCarthy, a newly elected senator, walking into a Senate building while several press cameras snap away. Note, Joe is smiling and waving as he enters; beaming. MS of Joe sitting on a sub-committee panel.
High angle shots of Republican dinner function, Senator Joseph McCarthy speaking and holding a piece of paper which no doubt "lists" suspected Communists in the state department. MS/CUs of Joe delivering a speech as he embarks on his strange political crusade. Great MS of three press men with large bulbed cameras inside committee hearing room, pan right to Joe surrounded by scribbling reporters. More shots of McCarthy happily talking with reporters. Montage of Senate Committee Hearing, specifically the Owen Lattimore case. MSs of OWEN LATTIMORE testifying, denying the charges that he was a top Soviet agent, then he lambastes Joe and the hearings altogether: "I am not and have never been a member of the Communist Party. I have never been nor affiliated with the Communist Party. I have never believed in the principles of Communism, either within the United States or China or the Far East or anywhere in the world. I trust that the Senator's promise that he will retire from the arena if his charges against me fail is not as insincere he is too reckless, careless and irresponsible." More shots of Lattimore testifying to Senate committee, posing for the cameras, exiting hearing room. MS of McCarthy seated at a desk littered with papers and microphones as he talks animatedly about something (no audio).
TLS/MSs of Sen. Joseph McCarthy stepping off of a commercial plane (metal runway ladder) and getting into a car. MSs of Secretary of State DEAN ACHESON stepping from plane, greeting President HARRY S. TRUMAN. MSs of Secretary of Defense GEORGE MARSHALL at train station, then seated behind desk. CU of Marshall looking grumpily into the camera. MS (head on) and tight LS (over the shoulder) of President Truman delivering a speech before a large outdoor crowd, attacking McCarthyism: "The growing practice of character assassination is already curbing free speech and it is threatening all our other freedoms. I know you have no way of telling when some unfounded accusation may be hurled at you, perhaps from the halls of Congress. The job of all of us, of every American who loves his country and freedom, to rise up and put a stop to this terrible business. This is one of the greatest challenges we face today." MS/CUs of Sen. McCarthy giving speech to an excited crowd at the 1952 Republican National Convention: "One Communist on the faculty of one university is one Communist too many. One Communist among the American advisors at Yalta was one Communist too many. And even if there were only one Communist in the State department that would be one Communist too many." Shots of delegates carrying signs that say, Lattimore, Hiss, Acheson, etc. Traveling TLS of a large pro-Eisenhower crowd gathered at a rail station on a sunny day. MS/CUs of DWIGHT EISENHOWER and McCarthy standing on the caboose of a campaign rail car. Senator Joseph McCarthy is re-elected. Shots of McCarthy arriving at party functions.
Numerous shots of McCarthy with his investigation committee staff aides (including ROY COHN), Joe working at the hearings. Excellent TLS of the Capitol Building on a sunny day. MSs federal employees being handed paperwork on which is stated a loyalty oath. Montage of McCarthy getting married to Jean Kerr. MSs of the bride and groom arriving via motorcar at the church; RICHARD NIXON and PAT NIXON arrive; Joe and Jean cut the wedding cake.
MSs of Sen. Joseph McCarthy and Secretary of the Army ROBERT STEVENS after inspecting Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey army base in light of allegations of Communist infiltration; McCarthy commends Sec. Stevens, then shakes his hand; shots of McCarthy and Stevens walking about base. Cut to shots of Stevens and McCarthy meeting in office, posing for cameras. Cut to MS of Robert Stevens talking to the press about how he feels about McCarthy's intrusive inquiries: "I shall never accede to the abuse of Army personnel under any circumstances including committee hearings. I shall never accede to them being browbeaten or humiliated". Followed by Sen. McCarthy's response: "If a stupid, arrogant or witless man in a position of power appears before our committee & is found aiding the Communist party, he will be exposed. The fact that he might be a General places him in no special class as far as I'm concerned." Great TLS, pan left, of packed Senate house during the Senate Sub-Committee hearings (aka the Army Hearings); reporters and news cameras abound. MS Robert Stevens walking in the hallway outside the hearing room. MSs Sen. McCarthy and Pvt. G. DAVID SCHINE talking in hearings room. MS/CUs Sen. McCarthy and ROY COHN during hearings. Shots of audience, reporters, TV crews at hearings. MS Sen. JOHN MCCLELLAN at hearings. MS montage of bitter verbal battles between Sen. McCarthy and Sen. STUART SYMINGTON.
Shots of Sen. Joseph McCarthy pointing at map during Army Hearings. Shots of klieg lights and cameras in hearings room. Lengthy montage of verbal battles between Sen. Joseph McCarthy and special Army defense counselor JOSEPH WELCH. MSs Welch after McCarthy accuses one of Welch's law firm assistants of being a Communist, June 9, 1954: "Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. If it were in my power to forgive your recklessness and cruelty, I would do so. I like to think I'm a gentle man, but your forgiveness will have to come from someone other than me." McCarthy retorts that he's baiting the committee, to which Welch asks that he drop the issue and leave the lad alone ("At long last, have you no sense of decency?"). McCarthy badgers on. Cut to MSs of Joe surrounded by the press after the hearing breaks.
Great TLSs of the Capitol Dome (Capitol Building) at night. Montage of McCarthy's censure hearing, Senators debating, and the delivery of the verdict; shots of McCarthy with lawyer at hearings. MSs of Sen. Joseph McCarthy, arm in sling, walking into conference room with attorney after censure verdict; MSs press corps, cameras. MCU Joe at press conference: "I don't think the American people are fooled. They know that I'm being censured b/c I dared to expose Communism and treason in government". More shots of McCarthy at various Senate hearings. MSs President DWIGHT EISENHOWER and wife MAMIE EISENHOWER at a Republican picnic; shot of reporters & press filming them. Various shots of Joe speaking to camera (no sound) or at meetings.
MS Joe, wife Jean, and their adopted daughter in their home. CU of baby. McCarthy dies. Funeral montage: TLS American flag flying at half-mast in FG, Washington Monument in BG; low angle TLS of the American flag flying at half-staff at the Capitol Building; MSs of American flag-draped coffin being carried up marble steps, past groups of mourners; Marines bring coffin to final resting place in Appleton, Wisconsin.
DO NOT USE Mike Wallace makes closing comments. Closing credits. End.