
JFK Assassination Hearings - Dr. James Barger

JFK Assassination Hearings - Dr. James Barger
Clip: 459722_1_1
Year Shot: 1978 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 3648
Original Film:
Location: Old House Caucus Room
Timecode: -

(02:01:38) Opens to Dr. JAMES BARGER concluding a statement that he helped MARK WEISS and ERNEST ASCHKENASY formulate the analytical approach they applied to his test data to conclude if there was a forth shot from the grassy knoll and that he has reviewed and agreed with their methods of analysis and their findings (02:02:10) Wolf asks Barger to explain the discrepancy between his statement in September testimony that there was a 50/50 chance that there was a forth shot and Aschkenasy and Weiss' testimony that they can be 95% sure there was forth shot - Barger gives a long explanation that because Weiss and Aschkenasy could determine the actual location of motorcycle this dramatically increased their accuracy, he also explains some other technical factors (02:07:47) Committee Vice Chairman RICHARDSON PREYER discusses with Barger his work on the Kent State case - Barger says through accoustical analysis and tests he was able to locate the locations of three of the shooters - Preyer and Representative SAMUEL DEVINE want to know how the jury in the case was told to receive Barger's testimony, as fact or speculation - Barger cannot remember this (02:12:52) Preyer recognizes Delegate WALTER FAUNTROY, Fauntroy and Barger discuss shockwaves, Fauntroy wants to know why all the shots on the police tape soundwave don't have shockwaves and how Barger, Weiss and Aschkenasy can be certain that what they see in the soundwaves is actually a shockwave - at the end of Barger's long response an exibit of the Dallas police tape soundwave is displayed (02:20:33) Preyer recognizes Devine, Devine asks about the temperature during Bargers tests in Dealey Plaza - Barger gives another long response and tells the committee what it was and how Weiss and Aschkenasy factored this into their analysis (02:24:45) Devine and Barger discuss the noise of the motorcycle recorded on the tape, how loud it would have been and if it corresponds approriately to the positioning and movement of McClain's motorcycle (02:30:10) Committee Chairman LOUIS STOKES recognizes Representative CHRISTOPHER DODD, Dodd first confirms his understanding of the correlation coefficient between the Dallas police tape soundwaves and the test soundwaves, Dodd then asks why the first shot identified on the tape does not have a shock wave but the second one does - Barger uses an exhibit of a map of Dealey plaza to explain why, his explanation is cut short by the end of the tape