(02:43:13) Shot open to MARIANA [MARINA] PORTER, LEE HARVEY OSWALD's wife, being led to the witness seat, she is joined by a man on her right, he is a translator - the camera stays on her for the entire tape, new exhibits are introduced and given to her, the exhibits which soon come into view in blown up form are of two photos of Oswald posing with a rifle and holstered hand gun, Porter says she took the photographs upon Oswald's insistence (02:45:30) The camera used to take the photos is introduced and given to Porter - Porter cannot identify it as hers but has seen it before in court precedings (02:46:00) Porter is asked for the context of the photo - Porter again gives it saying that she made a comment that it was a funny picture to take (of him with his guns) (02:46:51) Porter is asked if she remembers the hand gun, she responds she cannot recall it and that this is possibly the first time she had seen both weapons (02:47:23) Porter is asked if Oswald appeared nervous when she took the photo - Porter responds he was angry with her because she was making fun of him (02:47:38) Several more questions are asked of Porter regarding the photo session: what was Oswald doing before and afterwords, what did she do afterwords, how many photos did she take, did she use a tripod, did Oswald mention assassinating anyone during the session, what time of year was it, what day of the week - all of which she answers with no stunning developments (02:50:06) ****weird skip in the film - time code remains the same but the image blinks for a moment (02:50:07) Another photo of Oswald is introduced, obviously from the same session as the setting is the same and he is again sporting his guns - Porter is asked more questions about this photo which she answers at no gain to the investigation (02:52:48) A new photograph is introduced as an exhibit (02:53:13) ****weird skip in the film - time code remains the same but the image blinks for a moment (02:53:14) Porter is asked if it is her handwriting on the back of this photograph - Porter responds no but the phrase (in Russian and thusfar not translated) sounds like something she would write, she goes on to describe inconsistencies between this writing and her own (02:55:05) ****skip in film - now Porter is describing an incident where Oswald was planning on seeing Nixon pass through town and taking him with him his gun, Porter describes his words as :"Nixon is coming to town and I just want to look", Porter says she argued with him that he didn't need his gun and he ended up staying home (02:55:45) A book is referenced, "Marina & Lee," in which Porter tells the outcome of the above story, she wrestled Oswald into the bathroom and locked him in to prevent him from going out, Porter is asked to describe this incident - she says she cannot remember the details of it but it as she described, she wrestled him into the bathroom and held him in, she adds though that if he really wanted to get out he could have (02:58:10) Representative RICHARDSON PREYER is recognized by Committee Chairman LOUIS STOKES - Preyer asks about a trip Oswald took on April 24, 1963 to New Orleans - Porter tells the committee that Oswald went to New Orleans to look for a job and that he had family there that might have been able to assist him (02:58:58) Preyer asks if the General WALKER shooting had anything to do with his moving to New Orleans - Porter says she does not know but she was glad he got away from Walker - Preyer asks if Oswald ever talked of moving to New Orleans before the Walker shooting - Porter responds that she doesn't remember (02:59:38) *****skip in film - Porter is now talking about Oswald's concern for some woman who had had several miscarriages or baby deaths (02:59:57) Preyer asks if Oswald talked about the Soviet Union during the New Orleans period - Porter answers yes that he said she should return or sometimes that they both should return (03:00:45) Preyer asks if Oswald talked about Cuba at this time - Porter responds that Oswald was engaged in some activities and that she saw him in the street with/distributing (?) a "Fair Play for Cuba Pamphlet" (03:01:04) Preyer asks if Oswald compared Cuba and the Soviet Union - Porter answers that he did and that he expressed his desire to check out Cuba as he had not already done so (03:01:31) Preyer asks if Oswald was ever gone from their New Orlean's apartment for more than a night - Porter responds that he was only gone one night during thier stay, and that night he was in jail (03:02:01) *****skip in film - Porter now says that Oswald was in a revolutionary mood and he expressed a desire to work for FIDEL CASTRO causes (03:02:25) Preyer says he wants to ask about three names, the first is CLAY SHAW - Porter says she did not know Clay Shaw's name until she had to testify for Mr. GARRISON in New Orleans, she adds that she does not know if Oswald knew Shaw - Preyer asks about GUY BANNISTER - Porter does not know him and does not know if Oswald knew him - Preyer asks if Porter knows DAVID FERRIE - Porter responds that the name sounds familiar but is cut off as the tape flies into hyper-speed