Master 2110, Tape 1 MS black-legged Kittiwake gull (Rissa tridactyla) swimming on top of the ocean. The gulls dives for food (feeding) just below the surface of the water. The gull and two other fly away.
Housing, development (1956)
Earth packing machinery
Pile driver
Highway construction
Bulldozer moving earth
Road construction
Road construction
The earth mover
Crane loading truck with gravel
Giant excavater
Kaiser center constr.
Kaiser center W B
Master 2110, Tape 1 CU head of Tufted puffin (Fratercula cirrhata). The bird has a bright orange bill. MS of the puffin perched on a rocky ledge by the ocean. The puffin defecates.
Highway constru. with traffic
Earth moving / ? off conveyor belt
Renovating buildings
Misc. construction
Construction of pre-fab building
Master 2110, Tape 1 MS Thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia) with chicks standing on rocky ledge.
Road construction
ON PREVIEW CASSETTE 210219 Tunnel construction
Construction - b/w
Master 2110, Tape 1 MS Two tufted puffins (Fratercula cirrhata) standing on rocky ledge. The birds look around.