
Lee Harvey Oswald

The man accused of shooting JFK.

Assassin Killed: President's Slayer Shot In Dallas Jail
Clip: 429097_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 1717
Original Film: 036-097-01
Location: Dallas, Texas
Timecode: 00:00:22 - 00:01:24

Madness and hate erupt anew in Dallas as President Kennedy's accused assassin is shot down during a jail transfer. Here is the record as Lee Harvey Oswald walks his last mile. Two cameras record the moment as the murderer moves in. Forty-eight hours and seven minutes after the President's death, his accused slayer is dead. Dallas, Texas Jail transfer taking place where Lee Harvey Oswald is being led away by law enforcement officials. MCU - The rife allegedly used by Oswald. MS - An armored truck is backing in to the jail building. MS - Oswald being led down the hall lined with news paper men on each side of the hall. MCUS - A shot rings out and Oswald goes down. MCUS - The framed is replayed frame by frame and there you see Jack Ruby move in and shoot Lee Harvey Oswald. MS - Ambulance rushing in to take Lee Harvey Oswald to the same hospital that cared for President Kennedy. 48 hours and 7 minutes after President Kennedy's death, Lee Harvey Oswald is pronounced dead.

Oswald in New Orleans
Clip: 444683_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Timecode: 01:00:04 - 01:01:49

Great shots of Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans in 1963, distributing leaflets for Fair Play for Cuba. Excellent MSs LEE HARVEY OSWALD and Hispanic man handing out Fair Play for Cuba leaflets ("Hands off Cuba") on street corner in front of International Trade Mart across from Arden's Bar in New Orleans, August 16, 1963. Cut to MSs several slick-looking men-- CARLOS BRINGUIER and fellow Cuban exiles-- wearing sunglasses & business suits, descending stairs, entering courthouse for sentencing on Aug 12, 1963 (Bringuier & cronies attacked LHO for distributing pro-Castro flyers on Aug 9); MS Lee Harvey Oswald leaning against wall in lobby with arms folded, looking surly, pan left to Cuban exiles milling about; CU tattered, dog-eared copy of "Guidebook for Marines" being held by one of the Cubans; MS LHO in same position, looking briefly at cam; MS LHO exiting courthouse. Cut back to Aug 16, 1963: TLS International Trade Mart; MSs Oswald and two colleagues (one of them Charles Steele Jr.) distributing flyers outside Trade Mart-- this is the footage that conspiracy theorists allege that a figure in the BG is Clay Shaw (it's not) & two FG figures are Charles Rogers & Chauncey Holt. This segment is collectively known among JFK assassination buffs as the Johann Rush films.

Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald
Clip: 497444_1_2
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas
Timecode: 01:38:49 - 01:43:14

Kinescope footage of Dallas city jail basement garage just before the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald. Extremely long continuous take showing Dallas police officers & detectives preparing the van that will transport Oswald to county jail.

Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald
Clip: 497444_1_3
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas
Timecode: 01:43:14 - 01:46:23

Kinescope footage of Dallas city jail basement garage just before the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald. Pan right to see television cameraman pushing large bulky video camera on tripod through crowd of reporters and police as they wait for the Oswald to emerge. Long continuous take showing men standing in line forming a corridor in the basement garage as they wait for LHO to pass through, an unidenified car passes by.

Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald
Clip: 497444_1_4
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas
Timecode: 01:46:23 - 01:49:58

Kinescope footage of the Dallas city jail basement garage just before the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald. Shot begins with a long continuous take of reporters & police detectives forming corridor, waiting for the suspect to emerge, getting in positions for Oswald to appear, a car is heard honking off-screen, slight pan LT as officer JIM LEAVELLE enters frame handcuffed to LEE HARVEY OSWALD, the car honks again from off screen and then a third time as it pulls into view just as JACK RUBY plainly jumps out of crowd in front of camera and shoots Oswald, slight pan RT as officers tussle with Ruby, video keeps rolling to show confusion and aftermath, photographers snapping pictures, detectives & uniformed police officers regain order of the scene. Slightly angled GV main entrance into the police headquarters builing with reporters and photographers present. Back to the Dallas city jail basement garage with uniformed police and plain clothed dectives setting up crowd control barrier.

Focus on the 60s (1960-64)
Clip: 493295_1_6
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1166
Original Film: N/A
Location: United States
Timecode: 00:30:18 - 00:33:39

Kennedy Assassination, 1963: MS President JOHN F. KENNEDY & JACQUELINE KENNEDY arriving in Dallas, alighting Air Force One; MSs Kennedys greeting people at airport; TLS/MSs motorcade through streets of Dallas, Kennedys waving to crowd; MSs people ducking to ground after shots fired in Dealey Plaza (seems to be recreation); MSs mourners-- mostly women-- weeping in streets, old white man leaning against sign, shaking head; audio of radio & TV news reports; MS man w/ Journal American newspaper-- "President Dead, Shot by Assassin."Still of LBJ being sworn in as President aboard AF 1, Jackie looking on. TLSs JFK casket being loaded into hearse at airport. JFK lying in state in Capitol rotunda, Washington, DC: MS Jackie & Caroline Kennedy kneeling before flag-draped casket; MS/TLSs mourners paying last respects. MS alleged assassination weapon (Mannlicher Carcano rifle) being carted through crowded hallway, Dallas Police Department. MSs televised murder of LEE HARVEY OSWALD by JACK RUBY during prison transfer. Funeral of JFK: Panning MS Jackie Kennedy walking w/ Attorney General ROBERT F. KENNEDY (RFK, Bobby Kennedy) & Sen. EDWARD KENNEDY (Ted Kennedy); MSs RICHARD CARDINAL CUSHING administering mass; LS/TLSs funeral procession to Arlington; MS John F. Kennedy Jr. saluting his father's casket; LSs burial service, eternal flame. MS President LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON (LBJ) speaking to Joint Session of Congress, telling America must move on & pass the Civil Rights bill Kennedy worked so hard for. C/A MS/LSs mourners in Arlington National Cemetery.

Narration is not available for licensing.
Lee Harvey Oswald Grave
Clip: 511515_1_1
Year Shot: 1975 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: Color
Tape Master: 1929
Original Film: COOPER UNID 2
Location: Ft. Worth, Texas, United States
Timecode: 01:57:00 - 01:57:30

MS/CUs grave and grave marker of Lee Harvey Oswald at Rose Hill Memorial Park in Ft. Worth, Texas. Brief MS Kennedy conspiracy author MICHAEL EDDOWES (Michael H. B. Eddowes) speaking to off-screen reporter about exhuming Oswald's body in order to disprove his (ultimately crackpot) body switching theory-- the body of LHO was swapped with that of a look-alike Soviet agent. JFK assassination conspiracy hoopla.

Oswald TV Interview
Clip: 540155_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: New Orleans, LA
Timecode: 01:01:49 - 01:02:54

Lee Harvey Oswald being interviewed at WDSU-TV studio in New Orleans, Aug 21, 1963 Interview of LEE HARVEY OSWALD (bad audio, but can be fixed in mastering) in the WDSU-TV studio in New Orleans, Aug 21, 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald says he is not a communist, that he has studied Marxism and sympathizes with the philosophy, eventually admitting that he is a Marxist. LHO explains the difference between Marxism and Communism. LHO begins to discuss the work of the Fair Play for Cuba organization before the film cuts out. This is oft referred to as the Mike Lala Film.

Dealey Plaza Revisited
Clip: 540159_1_2
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
Timecode: 01:13:43 - 01:14:56

Panning 360 degree LS of Dealey Plaza showing courthouse, Dal-Tex building, Texas School Book Depository, pergola, grassy knoll, overpass, etc; shot shortly after the Kennedy assassination, wreaths & mourners on hill; traffic passing in FG. TLS traffic entering Dealey Plaza, passing under overpass.

Dealey Plaza Revisited
Clip: 540159_1_3
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
Timecode: 01:14:56 - 01:17:51

Excellent subjective POV shot reenacting Kennedy motorcade route, making right turn into Dealey Plaza, passing Texas School Book Depository, crowds lining street and moving under the turnpike overpass. Second POV take focuses on 6th floor of Texas School Book Depository as car turns corner, holding shot of TSBD, car coming to stop, camera zooms in to open sixth floor window.

Dealey Plaza Revisited
Clip: 540159_1_4
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
Timecode: 01:17:51 - 01:22:48

Panning TLSs interior of 6th floor of Texas School Book Depository, boxes of books piled high in some shots. MS white man in business suit assuming Lee Harvey Oswald's alleged position in "sniper's nest" by window. MSs windows of sixth floor of TSBD (interior view). Panning shot view of Dealey Plaza from windows of sixth floor. MSs sniper's nest by window (no man, just boxes). MSs man kneeling at sniper's nest, pointing out window. LS view from sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, cars & trucks driving in and out of Dealey Plaza, nice perspective shot.

Dealey Plaza Revisited
Clip: 540159_1_5
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
Timecode: 01:22:48 - 01:30:12

Reenactment of Kennedy motorcade as seen from 6th floor of Texas School Book Depository. Similar shots repeat several times, good high angle perspective of Dealey Plaza and JFK motorcade route.

Dealey Plaza Revisited
Clip: 540159_1_6
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
Timecode: 01:30:12 - 01:35:30

Reenactment of the Kennedy assassination with magnified sniper scope (riflescope, telescopic sight) in center screen, actor portraying Kennedy wavering in and out of crosshairs. Very interesting visual that illustrates the difficulty of making the kill shots that Oswald supposedly pulled off. Since the scene is obscured by the sniper scope, the actors look nothing like the Kennedys & the car is not a limo and a different color than the death car, this could very easily serve as generic political assassination material. Similar shots repeated several times.

Dealey Plaza Revisited
Clip: 540159_1_7
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
Timecode: 01:35:30 - 01:37:25

Interior panning TLS sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, boxes stacked high. Reenactment of Lee Harvey Oswald hiding rifle, leaving 6th floor and arriving at second floor lunchroom, the actor portraying LHO walking lamely, slowly, methodically.

Dealey Plaza Revisited
Clip: 540159_1_8
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas, United States
Timecode: 01:37:25 - 01:38:21

Exterior panning LSs of Dealey Plaza from Abraham Zapruder's vantage point during the assassination, traffic traveling along street (nice mix of late 50s & early 60s cars, pickup trucks and buses).

Mannlicher-Carcano Rifle
Clip: 540162_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas
Timecode: 01:56:27 - 01:58:21

See catalog # 540151 for identical footage w/out audio Mannlicher-Carcano Rifle CU unidentified young man in gun shop being interviewed by reporter with microphone, pan down as the young man shows off a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, the same type used by Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Great MS several rifles & shotguns for sale in the gun shop. Panning MCU firearms tagged for sale.

Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald
Clip: 540163_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas
Timecode: 01:50:11 - 01:50:50

Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald - Footage of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, good angle to see Oswald's face durning transfer and shooting. MS officer JIM LEAVELLE leading LEE HARVEY OSWALD into basement garage from the Dallas city jail (police headquaters), JACK RUBY is seen leaping out from screen right and shooting Oswald in the stomach, Oswald drops and the camera is jostled about in the ensuing chaos.Interesting to note that Oswald quickly turns his head to Ruby a second before Ruby moves.

Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald
Clip: 540164_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas
Timecode: 01:51:34 - 01:52:04

Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald - Footage of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, good angle to see Oswald during transfer and shooting. Kinescope footage of the Dallas city jail basement garage for the transfer of Lee Harvey Oswald (police headquarters): Famous head-on shot of Officer Leavelle handcuffed to Oswald, leading him into garage, Jack Ruby coming out of nowhere and shooting Oswald. CU Ruby being wrestled to the ground.

Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald
Clip: 540165_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: Yes
Video: B/W
Tape Master: 588
Original Film:
Location: Dallas, Texas
Timecode: 01:52:20 - 01:55:05

Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald - Footage of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, good angle to see Oswald durning transfer and shooting. MCU elevator doors, light panel of right showing car going up. Great wide MS Dallas police detectives getting out of elevator, officers JIM LEAVELLE and L.C. GRAVES escorting LEE HARVEY OSWALD from elevator. From behind shot of Leavelle & Graves walking Oswald into garage, Jack Ruby leaping from crowd and shooting Oswald-- here you can see that Oswald looks at Ruby, then looks away before Ruby jumps out to kill. Chaos as Ruby is escorted into the police station. TLS/MSs detectives & officers in basement office; pan left as Jack Ruby is hustled into the elevator by police. More shots hectic post-shooting scene in basement garage. MS bloodstains of LHO on floor of office.

James Doyle Home Movies - Lee Harvey Oswald
Clip: 540540_1_1
Year Shot: 1963 (Actual Year)
Audio: No
Video: Color
Tape Master: 587
Original Film: N/A
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Country: United States
Timecode: 01:02:10 - 01:02:35

DO NOT USE James Doyle Home Movies - Lee Harvey Oswald: This home movie was shot in New Orleans while Lee Harvey Oswald was living there, at the time known know to hand out pro-Castro leaflets for the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. This could very well be the scuffle he had with Carlos Bringuier on Canal St. GV street scene showing Lee Harvey Oswald facing away from camera having words with a man in sun glasses, he then talks to a police officer and points at the ground as if explaining his side of the story, a large number of people have gathered to witness the commotion in front of "Stevens" department store. View of Oswald seen through the crowd, good closer shot of his face as he begins to walk away, streetcar seen in BG. LS street as people begin to disperse, police are still on the scene.