Your Vision, Our Footage

Formerly WPA Film Library

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MPI Stock Footage Archive offers one of the industry's largest and most diverse stock footage collections. Our online platform lets clients search, preview, and select clips easily. With a dedicated and professional staff, we help you find the perfect shot for your production.
About Us
SOUL! Music and Interviews

Our SOUL! collection features music, interviews, and cultural discussions that address African American culture and identity in America during the 1960s and 70s.


Palestine from the 1940's to early 2000's.

World War II in Color

Color footage related to WWII from 1939 to 1945.

Civil Rights

Events related to the 1960s African American Civil Rights struggle

Music Of The 1960s

Rock, Pop, and Country music from the 1960s.

Apollo Space Missions

Events of the Apollo space program culminating with Man's first steps on the moon 1961-1973

MLK Assassination

Events surrounding the Assassination and Death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

1950s Computers

Early computer systems of the 1950s

How It Works
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If you have any specific questions regarding your project.

Demo Reels
Nature & Environment
Stock Footage