DO NOT USE Newspaper headlines detailing oil industry opposition to Gasohol
Worker on a tanker truck taking filling hose to refill reserves at a gas station while station owner looks on.
Mo Campbell, Gasohol marketer. The oil companies have been backed into a corner of sorts, of everybody accusing them of major ripoffs. Local headlines are of 11 oil companies accused of billions of dollars of overcharging. They just don t need the grief and agg of fighting motherhood, apple pie and Gasohol. So their position has changed relative to outside pressure. Some of them are test marketing now.
Texaco station with pumps announcing a trial of Gasohol. Good shot of old pre-digital number wheel gas pump with wheels turning to total up a sale. Long lines at a gas station. People filling their cars.
Mobil and Exxon signs.
Senate Antitrust Committee Hearing. EJ Hess, Exxon Oil. We do have some questions about Gasohol s do a number of other people regarding the energy balances for existing processes top produce ethanol.
DO NOT USE Ad for an Exxon Subsidiary's alcohol-blended fuel.
Mo Campbell, Gasohol marketer. The Alcohol gasoline, Cleveland Discol owned by Exxon.
Senate Antitrust Committee Hearing. Joseph Hinton, Mobil Oil. In considering the grain alcohol alternative, we are still concerned that with existing technology, expanding grain production to produce gasohol is not energy efficient.
Robert Jackson, Conoco executive. We can t run a car on natural gas. We can t run a car on coal. So if we use a non-liquid fuel base to make a liquid fuel then we are gaining something. It is a second order of importance how efficient that process is. As in all things if you have a point to make, the man who is against will always produce the worst case and the man who is for will always produce the best one. I think we pride ourselves, we try to steer a good clear path down the middle of the road.
People filling cars at a Gulf station, with lots of vintage Detroit heavy iron cars.
Massive pipes in a distillery. Exterior of an Archer-Daniels-Midland Corn Syrup refinery.
Combine tractor in a row of wheat, good shots of the reaping blades and the corkscrew of the grain intake, and of threshed grain pouring out spout into a dump truck bed.
Published government report on Gasohol.
Tom Bull, government energy expert. It s quite clear that there is a place for Gasohol in our future. It s probably going to be one of the many one and two percent solutions which together make a significant impact on our oil imports.
Senator Birch Bayh (D Indiana). I just think that it s important as we move on into the future to make to make it possible for retailers, for farmers, for small co-ops, for small business people to be able to produce energy on their own and not have to get the Good Housekeeping seal of approval from the multinational oil companies.
Cars at a gas station.
Aerial of a huge oil refinery.
Cornstalk with leaves.
Exterior of a cooperative distillery run by farmers to produce alcohol fuel with their crops, shot of a tanker truck.
Gas pump with the Gasohol cartoon of an ear of corn with a pump sticking out of it.
Shot of Gasohol demonstration car